Contact Us

We could shift a fraction of the money we already spend and bring about solutions. Oh, idk, solutions to problems like crime and gun violence? Poverty? Affordable Housing? Drug addiction - including the fentanyl crisis. Homelessness. An open border trafficking kids… Throwing money at the problems makes them bigger, actually increasing the budgets exponentially year over year. Because we have systems problems. Current systems unconsciously maintain the status quo, and prevent change. So we must take a new approach. We got creative and have narrowed the focus to lead the SHIFT to a new cycle that not only brings about curtailment, but solves many of our collective problems through servant leadership. It’s time our hard earned money is spent responsibly, and put to work effectively. We have that power. How many more are there of us? It only requires vision. That’s where we start. And I’m tenacious, I won’t ever give up on them, or on us! Once you see it, you cannot un-see it! Please contact me, if you’d like to learn more or are interested in having me speak.**

(203) 858-7371

Fairfield, CT

fifty-first street

this is...

fifty-first street this is...