Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible.

- Kim

Home is where your story begins…

-A. Danielson

Making caring about one another an innovative idea.

- Kim


Because we can no longer leave anyone behind…

You may not know the people who don’t know they are in shackles.  Not know the ones who have lost hope or the ones who no longer have the will to fight.  But freedom and justice must be restored.  Our apathy has allowed a lot to go wrong.  With all the chaos and confusion being fed to us, no wonder we’ve dismissed the people who can’t get out!  We can do better.  And getting outside of ourselves would be a good thing.  I know you know that.

So, let’s boldly define the truth. When the Declaration of Independence was signed loyal Americans were of one mind to protect LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. We’ve been fooled by our own govt. DEI, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion divide us.  Not only that, it nurtures a sense of victimhood. Our children deserve better.  Where we go from here is up to us. So, fifty-first street is leading the SHIFT to the heart of the matter.  A new PARADIGM.

The war on drugs is entering its fifty second year. It’s been almost forty years since the crack epidemic when we began normalizing State raised babies. Their currency is to reach for the guns. Prison or death are not deterrents. We could write book after book on the ever-escalating violence and chaos that is making its way to your neighborhood. We will not arrest our way out of this. The issue is far worse than you’re being told. So, we’re breaking the cycle by advocating for those who want to be free from the deception that they are not allowed to pursue life and liberty. We understand the priority. I can attest, it’s the most innocent among us. The little children…

We understand the fallout. We have intimate knowledge of what happens to the family.  Therefore, we understand the opportunity. It is no longer acceptable to mistreat the people we’ve left behind.  Systemic APATHY has led to their frustration.  Has led to the breakdown of our society.  Reaching for guns is where many find security, and we as a society have refused to understand that.  If we don’t change the way we look at this, without distraction, the CARTELS will fill the void, and the violence will not be contained in the inner cities, they will show up @ your house with nothing to lose.  

We know what needs to be done.  Our focus is on the children born into this environment.  Teaching them what their future can look like from a place of understanding because we’ve been there.  With the right perspective 30-years running, we will get the job done.  When we change the way we look at things, suddenly the things we look at change.

Inspired kids don’t shoot people or one another. Our vision creates a better world for all of us.  Leading to a new Paradigm. The shift we make with our money. Money our govt already spends. Curbing budgets that should have already been capped. Bringing the proliferation of gun violence to an end by capturing hearts and minds. By offering new and ever-greater opportunities for our youth… Helping the family-unit discover what a brighter future looks like. Letting go of the hustle because they have something better to reach for. Learning that we will no longer leave them behind. That’s when they’ll believe. No more talk. This is about teaching them well.

Why us?

Putting our money to work effectively. Reaching the point where we won’t have it any other way…

fifty-first street

this is...

fifty-first street this is...