The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31

All in His timing as we wait for the world to discover why we must challenge the status quo, and make this world a little better than we found it
— Kim

A whole new approach

The 51st street project

So as our society continues to break down, divided about so many things including what to do about gun violence, not to mention the fentanyl crisis,  I have an answer based on my own life experience.  Guns are already out there and children learn what they live.  Without a solid family-unit, they learn to survive and that includes reaching for guns, and dealing drugs bc that’s what their uncles and cousins did. The only opportunities that they can see that offers them confidence. Surrounded by violence and little hope. - Nowhere to ride their ATV’s. Nowhere to socialize. This is where we come in as disruptors offering them new opportunities to explore.  After eighteen months of implementation, we’ve built a closed loop process; a new cycle of hope for a demographic of people who have a deep desire to learn what they never thought could be theirs.  Offering a hand up.  A dignified life especially for those willing to lead the way.  A new cycle that exponentially multiplies into new market opportunities.  Serving their communities right where they live from becoming landlords to restaurateurs to creators making gentrification for others, a thing of the past.  They will put the guns down with new opportunities to reach for as we disrupt the government's control of keeping them down. And to those of you who want to push them out?  Sorry, I fight like a girl.  We have a leadership opportunity here that works. 

One day, Bridgeport will be the hottest concept of any city in America
— Kim
The blueprint for a generational shift
— Kim
Always do what’s right. The Restoration - is on our doorstep
— Kim

Standing out from the crowd.

  • Dream it.

    The purpose of the operation of the company is to provide our customers with a vision that inspires them to believe in themselves and demonstrates a radical paradigm shift, never wanting to pick up guns or wanting to put them down whichever comes first. Displacing them with better opportunities. Involving and challenging them to dream of what they want their lives to look like. Be the enterprising entrepreneurs they want to be without any limiting beliefs. Something completely new. Allowing them the space to learn to think differently; discovering they can determine their own destinies. Free from criminal behavior which is all they’ve ever been shown.

  • Build it.

    We’re building with our neighbors, the people of Bridgeport first. Teaching families that they are worthy of new opportunities. The place where people turn to for inspiration and hope. Hope of a brighter future through our investment in them. Accruing wealth through their own hard work. To fully use our management team’s experience and knowledge acquiring; refurbishing and renovating dilapidated spaces that provide opportunities that challenge the local community to get involved and do the work. Engaging school aged kids. Leading them to pride of home ownership, even becoming landlords. Improved local market opportunities, such as, restaurants, shops and local farming that result in an expected outcome that displaces the violence associated with guns and drugs. Sounds too simple? Nope. Only takes empathy, and the ability to focus. Engaging, involving and challenging people who want something better. To lead by example, and do exactly what works!

Different. Because it’s all about them.