The fix was in…

So our society is crumbling with some of you still sitting on the sidelines unsure about things? You know something is very wrong, but can’t quite put your finger on it?  Some of you are still not paying attention, and still others dismiss all evidence; conflicted? I’m reminded of the time I was faced with my own Spiritual Awakening as they led him out from the dark; chained with his wrists tightly held together, his feet separated by an inch. What was, perhaps, so startling was how they separated him from the rapists, and murderers who they almost gave a pass to?  Sentenced to twelve years as a first offender for possessing the very drug he was prescribed? 

You didn’t know they did this to people did you? If you suffer from cognitive dissonance, you probably blamed me for being bold enough to try and tell you the truth. Labeling me as you projected your fears onto me. What you didn’t know was my life was on the line. His life was on the line. Our life was being stolen by our govt, discovering clearly, at a very young age who my enemy was. You dismissed me. You didn’t want to know… We were going to have to pay the price. The fix was in. They’d made the decision to completely annihilate a 30 year old successful business owner and father of two. They had all the control. They had all the power. “Pure evil. Unabashedly awake!”  

Forced to face the truth, while an entire community raged against us?  I’ll never forget the pain while the truth was covered up for his two adoring little boys.  While none of  my friends would seek to understand why I made the decision to stand there with him?  Why I had no other choice?

Whichever group you fall in, evil is being revealed, and America is declining with our liberty at stake.  Hard to believe it’s happening all over again with so many of you blindly obedient to the govt, unaware that we’ve been at war? Dividing us to fulfill their plan to annihilate us. Thankfully, many of you are waking up. What was meant to slaughter you is leading to the Great Awakening.  We will get to the other side. And WWG1WGA. (Where We Go One, We Go All.) Find the courage to humble yourself, we’re headed to a glorious new world. You won’t be able to dismiss them or step over them ever again.  We leave no one behind. His power is too great!

Genesis 12: 2

Psalm 75: 7

about the prisoner




A hand up.