Understanding the weight of the times we live in…

The world is in chaos.

Before cancel culture was a thing.  Before ever seeing with your own eyes that corrupt officials could mandate having employees fired, and blocked from working.  Even before it became obvious that dishonorable judges could destroy someone’s life without evidence or that a corporate media could or would suppress the truth, I stood there with him as they lied. Spreading misinformation, intentionally gaslighting you and attempting to annihilate him.  But I had the wisdom and discernment early in the process and at a very young age to ground myself and keep taking steps, without a GPS toward something far greater than me.

And I’m still standing on that promise, 29 years later.

Esther’s story in the Bible is an amazing example of how God works behind the scenes, while we are not even aware of what is going on. He places Esther in position as the Queen, reminding us that God is not caught by surprise because he is already working on the situation way in advance. Her Faith and bold action can accomplish His purpose even in times of crisis.

Your annihilation was planned. But we will make it through. Asked to Stand Unwaveringly, in the Gap.

Esther 7: 3-4

Esther’s humble wisdom is seen in her dress, her demeanor, and her dinner plans.   A woman who risked everything to save her people.  By astutely using her beauty, charm, and political intelligence, and by taking one well-placed risk, Esther saves her people, brings about the downfall of their enemy, and elevates her kinsman to the highest position in the kingdom. Esther becomes the model for the Jew living in diaspora or exile.

We can take comfort in Esther’s story because it reminds us that when it seems like God has disappeared from our lives, we can rest assured that he hasn’t.  If you let Him, He can use your life for His Glory!

If I perish. I perish


His Grace is sufficient…


A life fated…