A life fated…

Using the hand I was dealt for God’s Purpose.

We all face challenges. All designed to lead us to Perfect Faith…

Little Faith:  Struggling Faith is where we all begin.  Restless.  I know He can, but I’m not sure He’s going to.  Focused on the circumstance.  Focused on what it feels like or past experiences.  A twinge of doubt.  Part of the process, but don’t give up because you will learn.  

Great Faith:  I know He can, and I know He will.  Focused on Him.  Meditate on the promises of God.  Trusting in His nature and character.  Understand His ways.  Discovering the will of God.  Hold on and Trust Him.  This is who He is.  You have learned to endure.  Then…

Perfect Faith:  Able to hear from God, and shut out everything else.  See Him in every facet of life.  Reaching the place, no matter what, where there’s this awesome sense of contentment, and perfect peace that makes it possible to rest in the midst of turmoil, and struggle and hardship.  See the finished work even before it becomes a reality.  See Him with such clarity and such conviction and absolute assurance that you will now live with unshakable confidence.  And operate on the basis that it is already done.  He will reveal everything in His perfect timing.

introducing queen esther


Understanding the weight of the times we live in…


The Great Awakening…