Truth is Learned. Never told.

Told by so many to write a book about my story because they think people will want to know.  My response is always, who’s gonna care or even want to buy my book?  And people hate me for being honest about the truth.  Unafraid of it because of what I’ve had to face practically all of my life. Besides, everyone has a story. Who’s going to care about mine? But what if my story is not even about me?  What if my story is theirs? A story about people who have been Chosen to be the light of this world. To turn from their ways and repent. Not something they’ll do unless they have nowhere else to turn…

Well, that’s my story.  Fifty First and First in Manhattan, the summer of 1995. A story I’ve never told…

Brett’s annihilation was planned.  He’s living with me in my beautiful, bright and sunny apartment, forced to commute to LI working as a professional Arborist because of the corruption in one of the wealthiest communities in this country, Westport, CT, where we grew up. Mandated. Disallowed to work. Yes. They could make sure every prospective employer complied w their mandate! We gave them that much power! So of course, I saw what they were doing to you during the so-called pandemic.

He’s facing a possession charge for pain medication his doctor prescribed him for planned shoulder surgery, sending him into full blown heroin addiction.  His doctor wiping his hands of any culpability. Notwithstanding, two little boys to support.  Requiring him to find treatment where none exists.  Facing it head on because they want twelve years of his life, as a first offender, willing to do whatever it takes to prove himself worthy and overcome all of this. But they have all the power as they collude with the media to gaslight the public. We’re madly in love, and both hard-working, so of course our young minds believe we will overcome?  And I’m going to do whatever I can to help him prove that he is worthy of conquering his illness, working in downtown Manhattan as a top Xerox Sales Rep.

It didn’t take long for the gaslighting to begin…  Brett catches our doorman, drilling out our Medeco lock.  Paid off so they can break into our apartment to plant something?  Provoke him to violence?  We’re completely confused?  And btw, that’s what the ENEMY does. IT PRODUCES CHAOS AND CONFUSION? Soon he’s chased from rooftop to rooftop, and hides in the Hyatt Grand Central bathroom where they eventually give up.  Finally, comes back for me, a weekday mind you, and we run to The Trump Park Avenue, where he protects me and faces off with ANTIFA. And two worlds collide… 

The Book of Esther

1 Corinthians 13

2 John 1:6


Letting my life speak…


We know our competition…