We know our competition…

So, why haven’t some of our most important challenges been solved?  I submit generally speaking it’s because most people don’t really care or know what to do? Leading to frustrations that teach children not to expect much.  Then wondering why they reach for the guns? There really is no debate.

Let’s define the problem. The problem is our APATHY, exacerbated by the advent of social media.

So, to reach people no one else is reaching, we are doing something no one else is doing.  Meeting people where they are.  Emerging from the chaos, some unable to read or write beyond the 6th grade level. Asking them to focus and follow us somewhere better; creating a new cycle by way of structured monthly Speaking Events.  Teaching the long game. There are opportunities to create all around us! Beginning with our neighbors in Bridgeport, CT, (ranked one of the most dangerous cities in America with the second highest number of murders per person) where we’ve gained trust by encouraging attendance through our vision and leaders they already trust. They are learning to expect something better by discovering they are worthy of living dignified lives. Worthy of understanding the truth. Eager to learn; wanting to be part of something greater than themselves.  Trusting that we will advocate for them and see this through; believing we will adjust as needed to realize the results.  

For me the question becomes why haven’t these problems been solved with hundreds, perhaps thousands of Charities already set up to create brighter futures for a demographic of people who still depend on handouts?  After studying my competition, there are system problems. An opportunity to treat people with respect. No more virtue signaling, tell them the truth. They are worthy of that. I don’t think the general public has any idea how rigged the system is or how these people are treated generally speaking by the very people positioned to help. Experienced it myself with the understanding that I was being shown the truth. They’ve been set up for permanent destitution. Keep them over there fed if they are hungry.  Housed.  Maybe…?  - Thirty kids sharing three textbooks. - They can’t get out. Like anyone else, they deserve to be understood. So, the answer is counterintuitive. Taking a step back, we focused. Surveyed the landscape and are approaching the problem differently. Thinking differently. Critically. Something I’ve done my whole life.

Forever tenacious; grounded and resourceful, willing to risk everything to point out an opportunity. Humbled by a life experience that’s grounded me with the confidence to express with clarity where we must go.  None of us is perfect.  We can forgive ourselves and one another.  We can do better than this…

Either way, it’s time to speak the truth.  And the truth hurts. We are committed to seeing this through by teaching our customers that they are overcomers, and can expect a better education for their kids; tailored specifically to them. Learn exactly what they’ve been up against, and how they can build character and prevail. Above all, we’re about teaching what empathy and compassion look like. There is strength in humility. And let’s not forget the animals, who deserve to be treated with respect. Kindness and looking out for one another effectively works.

Mark 11: 22-24 

Matthew 19:30


Truth is Learned. Never told.

