
Diversity, equity, and inclusion have divided us abandoning any commitment to excellence. To live in a world that our children deserve requires inspiration and follow through; a doorway out of this vicious cycle. A doorway with access into safe pasture. Just because we do something one way, doesn’t mean it’s right? Change doesn’t happen; standing in place. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Pozner wrote: “Any system will unconsciously conspire to maintain the status quo and prevent change.”  The problem is much deeper and more complex than inflexibility or stubbornness.  If we, as a society, truly want our children and grandchildren to grow up and live in a better world, we must break the cycle of apathy and lead them there.

There is no denying that America is on the decline. After experiencing the chaos and dysfunction in the criminal justice system, and then recognizing that same brokenness disrupt my corporate life, it became ridiculous to watch the decisions being made by the highest office of our land designed to intentionally destroy us. I knew it was finally time to take even bolder steps. We the people are deserving, and can demand better. We just need to humble ourselves. Face the truth. Shift our priorities. And focus.

esther 7: 1-3

Proverbs 4: 23


We know our competition…


A possible future